our work
our work

art direction & graphic design
The Consejería de Educación y Cultura de el Reino Unido e Irlanda appoint us for the art direction of TECLA, the oldest electronic publication of all those dedicated to teaching Spanish as a foreign language.
It is a quarterly magazine of Spanish language and culture, published by the Ministry of Education of the United Kingdom and Ireland since 2014.
It is available only in electronic format and can be downloaded for free from the Consejería de Educación y Cultura page. It is directed not only to Spanish teachers but also to lovers of Spanish culture, both in Spain and Latin America.
With an extension of about 40 pages, the magazine presents a structure very regular with fixed sections. TECLAtaqra normally is written about some fundamental project to expand the presence of Spanish in UK, in addition, there are interviews with writers, professors, researchers of the language. Culture also occupies a central part of the magazine where news about cinema festivals, literature, music can be found.
There is also a space for Spanish teachers where they can talk about their teaching projects and their class activities. CLIL (Integrated Learning content and foreign language) has a lot of presence in the magazine.
Finally, in the section of TECLAtextos and TECLApaís there are articles ready to use in class and with your answers.